Do you ever have a card that you make and then can't bare to send it to anyone because you love it so much? Well this is that card for me!
I made this for the Just Add Ink challenge this week. I hope you'll join us! It's lots of fun adding your card into a challenge and loads of people will see it. Plus the design team leave encouraging comments to cheer you on. Click on the image below to see more.
I coloured my card using a mixture of straight Blends and the tip to Colour Lifter technique. (I will have to do a video on this for you soon.)
I coloured the entire background using Blends (but not with the Colour Lifter) to match the effect of the flowers and I really love how it turned out. I could quite happily colour every single card I made with Blends, it's very much my favourite card making medium.
I hope you enjoy trying this technique. Check back soon for a video tutorial.
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