I'm here for GDP Challenge #082

This time of year is always full of mixed feelings.  I'm super excited about all the new product about to be released, and sad to say goodbye to a stack of my stamp sets.  So my goal is to use all them at least once before I finally let them go.

Today I'm highlighting the Fresh Fruit stamp set and it's coordinating DSP, Fruit Stand.  I'm also participating in the Global Design Project Challenge #082 for the first time in months.  This time it's a layout challenge:

Click here to go to the GDP challenge #083 page.

I've used a banner of the gold glimmer cardstock to bring a subtle bit of bling to the card.  The pear itself is watercoloured in using a mixture of Pear Pizzaz and Daffodil Deight to give more of a "Williams Pear" kind of look (my favourite pear).

Here's everything you need to make this card yourself.
Just click on any item to be taken straight to it in my store.

Happy crafting,