Crazy Crafters Blog Hop with Billie Moan

Every fortnight my team, The Crazy Crafters, puts on a blog hop with a special international guest demonstrator.  Today we are hopping with the fun Billie Moan!  The theme is to CASE (copy and selectively edit) one of Billie's projects.  Here is the one of hers that I choose:

And here's my take on it.

It's hard to see but I've added a bit of Wink of Stella to the lines on the flowers to make it sparkle just ever so slightly.  This close up should help.


 There are a few steps in making this card which aren't overly obvious so here are a few tips which might help you if you wanted to make my card yourself.

  • The flowers are fussy cut
  • I stamped off the background stamps before stamping onto the paper and then picked up some ink with my aqua painters and deepened them a little.  This still made them softer than if I had stamped them straight up. 
  • After the paper was dry I stamped the detail on the flowers and finished off with the Wink of Stella
  • The leaves are also stamped off first but I didn't use the aqua painter on them
  • I finished off the flowers with a few dots using my Marker pens
  • The border is hand drawn with no ruler.  I like how Billie achieves this look on her cards and for this design of mine I think it works to be a "looser" line and not perfectly straight

Now have fun and hop around the other blogs to see what everyone else came up with CASEing Billie Moan.

Blog hop line up:

Here's everything you need to make this card yourself.
Just click on any item to be taken straight to it in my store.

Happy crafting,