Crazy Crafters Blog Hop with Rachel Tessman

I love how easy my team's blog hops are.  CASEing (Copy and Selectively Edit) the project of another demonstrator is so much fun and I love putting my own creative spin onto the foundations already set in their beautiful projects.  Today we are CASEing Racel Tessman.  Here's the set of cards I've chosen to work from:

And here's my card:

The circles start off flush with the card and then increase by one stampin dimensional's height each time.  The top circle, therefore, has three dimensionals dotted around with another three on top of them to lift it up over the others.  You can see that a bit better in this side angle:

Such a pretty and bright card.  I just love it's freshness!

Check out everyone else's work by clicking through the blog hop line up here:

Here's everything you need to make this card yourself.
Just click on any item to be taken straight to it in my store.

Happy crafting,